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Magento 2.2: All You Need To Know

Magento 2.2- All you need to know.

Nowadays, Magento plays a vital role in building online business; therefore, updating Magento 2 is pretty important. While many online businesses are migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, the most popular eCommerce platform developers are rapidly updating the versions of Magento 2. Today, I will present you a general understanding about Magento 2.2, the latest version of magento.

Magento 2.2 brings significant new functionality to market, including:

I. Magento 2.2 Enhancements
II. Magento 2.2 New Features
III. Magento 2.2 Security
IV. Magento 2.2 Requirements ( Preparation for installation) 
V. Magento 2.2 Tutorial
VI. Best-seller Magento 2.2 Themes and Extension
VII. Best Free Magento 2.2 Themes and Extensions

Now follow us to discover magento 2.2!

I. Magento 2.2 Enhancements

  • Performance Toolkit: There were a number of changes made, such as profiles update, faster generation (up to 14 times), support for new B2B entities and even more.
  • Improved logging of cron and JS exceptions: Minimized core around plugins. Original call parameters to after plugins were added also as a core around plugins were minimized. That should make it easier to debug plugins on the core because there will be less clicks going through the various flows.
  • Improved Deployment flow: There will be a brand new function which will allow export configurations through the different environments. Product environment will be upgraded in less than 1 minute.
  • Extended reports: Magento will provide advanced reporting module, which will give extended reports with valuable data stored in graphs about orders, customers, and other necessary metrics.
  • Advanced fraud protection: A new available integration with Signifyd will provide an opportunity to identify and reject roguish orders and to have 100% chargeback protection.
  • Improved Indexing: With the index improvements in 2.2 version, customers can now browse and buy in the store shop while indexing. Now some indexers operate in a batches style.
  • Technical stack updates: From now on Magento will drop support for PHP 5.6 and add PHP 7.1, will also support MySQL 5.7 and Redis 3.2, will drop Varnish 3 and add Varnish 5 support and now it will have “Grace” and “Saint” by default. In that way, Magento highlights and improves deployment process.

II. Magento 2.2 New Features

1.Focus more on B2B (Business to business).

Magento 2.2 concentration on B2B will bring bigger opportunities to our clients and a bigger chance to develop successful businesses.

  • Company account management: B2B merchants will easily support their clients’ accounts with multiple buyers in varying multiple organizational structures. Corporate buyers will manage their accounts without a merchant with easily used self-service tools.
  • Quote engine: A negotiation feature is here. Customers can convert a cart to quote instead of sending an order. Then the merchant can answer to it setting up the prices, adding comments.
  • Credit purchases for B2B customers: As a payment option companies are able to choose payment on credit. The new improvement is that merchants can adjust different credits for different companies and edit those options constantly.
  • Customized catalogs and price lists: Merchants will now be able to control the products, categories and price lists that customers (companies) see on their site. Different price lists will be shown to different companies and specific catalogs will be easily assigned to multiple customers.
  • Updated API for simple ERP integrations: Web APIs will be available for all new features, including company accounts, users & company structure, company credit limit & credit transaction, shared catalog creation, quotes and requisition lists. Developed a new bulk Tier Price API that can be used to update large numbers of product prices quickly.

2. New Shipping Module

This new Magento Shipping feature set to come with Magento 2.2 is one typical example of how new capabilities in a web platform can drive innovation.

Magento has created a huge difference in every business that has adopted their platform. To make online business more exciting, Magento 2.2 Shipping module comes with the following awesome features:

  • The ability to add new mail service providers or features to the system without having to perform a complete update.
  • The capacity to automate key shipping processes.
  • Easy enhancement of customer experience, and increase in traffic and conversion rates.
  • Reduced the costs on shipping
  • Complete automation of fulfillment process

These are just a few of the highlights of Magento Shipping. According to the Magento site, this module offers a great deal of other promise.

View detail Magento 2.2: What to expect from New Shipping Module?

3. Facebook store integration

Magento 2.2 Facebook Store is the best solution for any online business owners who want to run a website and a Facebook store at the same time. With this function, the two stores will be synced in real time. It means that any changes in your website will be automatically applied to your Facebook store. You could not imagine how much it saves your time and effort. As a result, your productivity will be increased significantly, especially for your marketing campaign.

What benefits Magento 2.2 Facebook Store brings about?

  • Bring Facebook fans to your website.
  • Get fully customizable templates.
  • Increase Brand awareness.
  • Approach more prospective customers.
  • Widespread promote your products via Facebook Ads.

III. Magento 2.2 Security

  • Unserialize calls removed: To avoid security vulnerability issues, unserialize calls have been removed from all but critical performance code.
  • Upgraded hashing algorithm: To improve security for sensitive values, hashing algorithm was upgraded.

IV. Magento 2.2 Requirements ( Preparation for installation) 

The first factor to bear in mind before installing magento 2.2 is to make sure your system meets all Magento 2.2 requirements which we listed below:

1. Operating systems (Linux x86-64)

One of the most crucial Magento 2.2 requirements is operating system. Linux distributions such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and so on are considered working well on with Magento 2.2.

2. Memory Requirements

In order to upgrade Magento applications and extensions, it takes you up to 2GB of RAM. So, make sure your system has at least 2GB available, or an upgrade failure may be expected. You can expand your memory space by using a swap file.

3. Composer ( Latest stable version)

If you are developers of Magento extensions or the ones who want to contribute to Magento 2 codebase, an updated composer is a must-have.

4. Web Server

It is required to update Apache version 2.2 or 2.4. Plus, to make it possible for the server to perform URL rewriting, the apache mod_rewrite module must be enabled.

5. Database 

MySQL should be updated to version 5.7 and the former ones will not be supported.

Magento is also compatible with MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.*, MariaDB 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, Percona 5.7 and other binary compatible MySQL technologies.

Download Links

MySQL 5.7.19 for Windows x86, 32-bit

MySQL 5.7.19 for Windows x86, 64-bit

6. PHP

Another factor of Magento 2.2 requirements is that only PHP 7.1 is supported. You can check the download link below to update PHP 7.1 versions.

Download Links

  • PHP 7.1 (7.1.9)




  • PHP 7.1 (7.1.10)

Download Source Code [25.47MB]

  • VC14 x86 Non Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x86 Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x64 Non Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x64 Thread Safe


Debug Pack

7. Required PHP extensions

bc-math (Enterprise Edition Only)




gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both















8. PHP OPcache

For the best performance, it is essential to verify the PHP. The OPcache is enabled in many PHP distributions.

9. PHP settings

In addition, some particular PHP configuration settings need carrying out to avoid common problems when using Magento. These include memory limit, system time zone, always_populate_raw_post_data, Disable asp_tags, enable opcache.save_comments.

10. SSL

A valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.

Encryption can be best executed with the use of an SSL Certificate. Purchase a cheap wildcard SSL certificate that will secure your home domain as well as all subdomains that are joined to the main domain.

11. Mail server

Magento 2.2 is compatible with Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or an SMTP server

12. Supported Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 11 or later, Microsoft Edge, major version earlier
  • Firefox latest,major version earlier (any operating system)
  • Chrome latest, major version earlier (any operating system)
  • Safari latest, major version earlier (Mac OS)
  • Safari Mobile for iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad with Retina Display (iOS 7 or later), for desktop storefront
  • Safari Mobile for iPhone 4 or later; iOS 7 or later, for mobile storefront
  • Chrome for mobile major version earlier (Android 4 or later) for mobile storefront

Besides, Magento can use the following technologies:

  • Redis version 3.2 (compatible with 2.4+) for page caching and session storage
  • Varnish version 4.x or 5.0
  • memcached latest stable version for session storage with either memcache or memcached PHP extensions (latest stable version)
  • Magento Commerce only
  • Elasticsearch version 2.x
  • RabbitMQ 3.5.x (compatible with 2.0 and later)
  • Three master databases

Finally, these two is optional but recommended.

  • 2.0 or later (development environments only; can have an adverse effect on performance)
  • PHPUnit (as a command-line tool) 4.1.0

After fulfilling all the Magento 2.2 requirements above, you are good to go for downloading and installing Magento 2.2.

V. Magento 2.2 Tutorial

1. Magento 2.2 Installation

After having well preparered, now You can install magento 2.2

Step 1 — Downloading Magento 2.2 Package

  • Firstly you need to download Magento 2.2 installation files to your computer.
    Link download:

Source code (zip)

Source code (tar.gz)

  • Then, you have to extract the file on your computer and then do the next step.

Step 2 — Uploading Magento 2.2 Files to server

In this stage, you select preferred archive format (it’s recommended to choose .ZIP as it’s supported by all operating systems) and then, upload the file to the server using an FTP client

If you’re still not sure how to upload Magento files, refer to the more detailed tutorial on how to upload website files.

Step 3 — Creating a database

Every Magento installation requires a database, so do Magento 2.2. To create a database for magento 2.2, you have to do these 3 steps below:

1. Access your hosting account control panel and navigate to databases section.
2. Create an empty database and assign a user for it.
3. Write down database name, username and password. You will need them in the next step.

Step 4 — Installing Magento 2.2

After files are uploaded and MySQL database is created, you can proceed with Magento 2.2 installation.  Then, Open web browser and access your domain name.

You can follow the 6 steps on installing browser here.

Or follow the steps below:

Firstly you will need to agree with Magento terms by pressing “Agree and Setup Magento” button.

Now you can proceed with Magento 2.2 installation. It includes 6 parts:

– Readiness Check

– Add a Database

– Web Configuration

– Customize Your Store

– Create Admin Account

– Install

Press “Install Now” button to begin the installation.

The last thing you need to do is to change permissions to 755 for app/etc directories. You can easily do this using FTP client or File Manager. If you’re not sure how to set permissions, see this tutorial or contact your hosting support staff.

You did succeed to install magento 2.2.

Magento 2.2 admin pannel

By finishing this tutorial, you have learnt how to install Magento 2.2 manually. Next is another guide to make you get  more farmiliar to magento 2.2.

2. How to Import product in Magento 2.2

To import product magento 2.2, You need to follow the 4 main steps below:

Step 1: Go to System > Data Transfer > Import

Step 2: Select Products, then click on “Download Sample File”.

Delete last two rows from the file (shipment_type empty error otherwise).

Step 3: Import the sample file.

Step 4: Go to Catalog > Products, click on one of the imported products.

The last commission is to Save the product.

View Detail How to Import Product?

3. How to install magento 2.2 Facebook Store Integration?

We’ve mentioned the benefits that magento 2.2 facebook store integration offers above, Now let’s see how to install it.

Step 1: Get started

First, make sure you own a Facebook Business Page. If you have not created any Facebook store, go to this site and create one

Step 2: Connect Facebook Store with website

In Admin panel, go to Marketing. Then, Social section, click to “Connect to Facebook”.

Now in the new page, there are 2 new tasks need to be finish: “Connect Magento to Facebook” and “Set up your Facebook store”.

To “Connect Magento to Facebook”

As you click to “Set up Facebook Store button”, new page will be opened. Now, go ahead and click on “Continue to your Facebook shop” button.

Next, fill registration information in the popup box in new page. Then Click on “Go to your new Facebook store”

In the Facebook store, when customers click on a product, they will be led directly to your Magento 2.2 Facebook Store.

In addition, customers can immediately share the item they like on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest while viewing that product on popup box.

Step 3: Customize Magento 2.2 Facebook Store

Get to the customization tab by clicking on the Manage shop button

Set up preference to manage how customers can view your Magento 2.2 Facebook Store.

First, set your store’s background color and texture.

Second, upload your store’s unique logo.

Also, create a warm welcome message to your customers. They would be impressed by your sincerity.

Especially, if you have any promotional video, leave the link.

Finally, click Save button to finish the process.

To get further information, go to New Feature Revealed & Tutorials: Magento 2.2 Facebook Store Integration

VI. Best-seller Magento 2.2 Themes and Extension

In this part, you can take a look at the blogs below:

VII. Best Free Magento 2.2 Themes and Extensions

In conclusion, Magento 2.2 is becoming an undeniable part in building online store. Hopefully, this blog will be a help for you to get a general information about magento 2.2 and know how to make use of its advantages in your business.

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